Wednesday, August 25


A husband ,father of a son, CardioThoracic & Vascular Surgeon with special interest in Cardiovascular medicine/surgery, Trauma and Critical Care ,freelancer natural/landscapes photographer ,and a practisioner/trainer of realictic combat/self defense

First touch to self defence in 1980 in the art of Koga Ninjutsu.. Going every where from east to east.. and have a heart on realistic application of combat/defense.

Muaythai .. king of martial art simply just because the techniques so simple, & so adaptive

First touch a living human heart in 2003.. falling on it ever since. Still try but still confuse to understand this beating organ

Nothing coud replace my love to it.. and then came.. minimal invasif procedures.. thank God

First touch to F-1 Canon in 1988.. and be a canon freak ever since. Complete the manual & digital course in 1990 ,National Geographic. Love to take human, but put non human as a favorit object

15 - 50mm & 75 - 300mm.. always in my NG bag

Photoshoper never work best with me, keep as minimum,keep as nothing

Husband ,Father ,Surgeon ,Photographer ,Fighter ...... to be continue

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